Programs and Activities
Ramadan Taraweeh:
Join us for twenty rakah of taraweeh during Ramadan led by Imam Mujahid Nuh, we will have short qatirah during the 4 rakah break.Baby sitting will be provided from Friday to Sunday during Taraweeh free of cost.
Ramadan Iftar:
Please join us for iftar everyday in the masjid sponsored by the masjid or volunteers.
Ramadan Lecture:
Attend a lecture on Fasting (Sawm) and Ramadan everyday after Fajr Salat by Imam Mujahid Nuh
Weekly Lecture Schedule:
Lectures provided by the ICNV during the whole week to help our community in increasing their Islamic knowledge. Lectures are given by our beloved Imam, Sheikh Mujahid Nuh as well many other gracious volunteers in the community.
Days Lectures Time Lecturer
Friday Seerah (The Sealed Nectar) After Maghrib Imam Mujahid Nuh
Everyday Tafseer After Fajr Br. Khan or Br. Naveed
Friday Prayers (Jummah):
Friday prayers (Jummah) are provided on a weekly basis throughout the year. Prominent religious speakers, scholars and leaders of our community regularly provide the Friday sermon (Khutba) and lead the prayer. The Friday prayer begins with the Khutba at 1:15 p.m. and concludes with the prayer at 2:00 p.m.
Islamic School:
For both boys and girls from age five and up. Very beneficial and fun at the same time. The school is once a week, Sundays from 10:00 am to 1:45 pm, where kids learn Quran, Arabic, Islamic studies and interact with Muslim peers. Increasing the Islamic knowledge of the children in an Islamic environment will help them develop a stronger sense of belonging to the Muslim Ummah.
Don't deprive your child this precious opportunity.
If interested in signing up for the Islamic School Program, please notify the Islamic School Principal, Sr. Sabah.
Summer Islamic School:
For both boys and girls from age five and up. The school is twice a week, every Monday and Wednesday between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm, where kids learn Quran and Arabic
If interested in signing up for the Islamic School Program, please obtain registration form from office or contact Br. Naveed*
Masjid Monthly Barbecue:
Every 3rd Saturday of Every month, the Masjid holds its monthly Barbecue. Please stop by as the community gathers together and enjoy great food!
The masjid handles the Main Course so we encourage families of the community to bring in side dishes, desserts, and beverages.
Youth Group:
It is increasingly important that we allow for our youth to gather together for halaqa (discussions), conduct community service projects, as well as build lifelong relationships with their fellow Muslims. The youth group meets once a month for halaqa, and other fun youth activities are planned accordingly.
If interested in signing up for the Youth Group, please notify head of the youth group, Br. Iyad.